Adobe Character Animator
Animate in real time.
Use your expressions and movements to bring your characters to life with Character Animator.
Animate any character in a variety of ways to match your energy and personality or create a new version of you.
Use features like live interactions with a real life characters, or puppet animator with in-app templates.
Learn to animate in real time with these tips.
Meet the Animations
We are thrilled to show you the characters we have created and animated. Take a look at our work!
Character Animator in Action
Check out some cool uses of Character Animator in every day
motion production.
Stephen Colbert
Used to introduce cartoon politicians like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, & Putin.
The Simpsons Live
One of the most famous & successful videos made with character animator was the Live segment in Season 27 that aired twice on tv.
Mr. Bean Live
Live Facebook interaction used by Mr. Bean & viewed over 443,000 times.
Jobs Using Character Animator
DreamWorks Animation
Location: Glendale, California
Salary: $56,000-$90,000
Location: Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Salary: $35,000-$58,000
Nintendo of America, Inc.
Location: Redmond, Washington
Salary: $79,000-$138,000